Plasencia 2024 Year of the Dragon Limited Edition Nicaraguan Cigar

Brand: Plasencia

Country of Origin: Nicaragua

Cigar Length: 6 ¼"

Ring Gauge: 54

Vitola: Torpedo

Burn Time: 60 - 90 Minutes

Cigar Strength: Medium to Full

Binder: Nicaragua

Filler: Nicaragua

The 2024 Year of the Dragon cigar is a distinguished addition to the cigar world, crafted to celebrate the Chinese New Year. This 6 1/4 x 54 torpedo cigar is not just a smoking experience but a cultural homage, reflecting the deep symbolism of the Dragon in Chinese mythology, which embodies good luck, honor, strength, and health.

Plasencia, renowned for its commitment to quality and craftsmanship, has released 3000 boxes, each containing 10 cigars, for worldwide distribution. This limited release underscores the exclusivity and premium nature of the cigar. The cigar is a Nicaraguan puro, utilizing wrapper, binder, and filler leaves from various Plasencia farms in Nicaragua, promising a unified and rich smoking experience.

The medium-bodied cigar is described by Plasencia as robust and bold, akin to the dragon it represents. Smokers can expect earthy, leathery, and peppery notes, making it a complex and engaging smoke. The meticulous craftsmanship is evident in each cigar, presenting itself as a masterpiece meant to deliver true smoking pleasure.

The Year of the Dragon cigar is adorned with red bands and comes in striking red boxes, a color that is deeply significant in Chinese culture, symbolizing good fortune and joy. The design and presentation are not just visually appealing but also resonate with the theme of the Chinese New Year, making it a fitting tribute.

Nestor Andrés Plasencia, CEO of Plasencia Cigars, emphasizes that the dragon symbolizes their family's drive for excellence. This is reflected in the cigar's robust blend, which is smooth and refined, balancing bold flavors with a delicate finish. The pepper and earthy notes are complemented by a smooth draw, making it an enjoyable smoke from start to finish.

Initial reviews from enthusiasts highlight the cigar's impeccable construction and flavor profile. The initial puffs reveal a smooth cedar flavor with a hint of sweetness, followed by a subtle spice that enhances the smoking experience without overwhelming the palate. The draw is clean and effortless, a testament to Plasencia’s expertise in cigar making.

However, some reviewers noted that as the cigar progresses, there is a potential for a mineral taste to develop, which might not be to everyone's liking. This aspect, along with the occasional bitterness, suggests that the cigar could benefit from some aging, allowing the flavors to mellow and integrate better.

Its bold flavors, combined with the excellent craftsmanship, make it a noteworthy addition to any cigar aficionado's collection, particularly for those who appreciate the intricate connection between cultural symbolism and the art of cigar making.


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