Zino's Perfect Cigar for Musicians (The Backstory)

The story of the Zino Short Torpedo begins with the legacy of Davidoff, a brand known for its unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship. Founded by Zino Davidoff in the early 20th century, the brand has consistently produced cigars that embody the art of cigar-making. Zino Davidoff was a visionary who believed in sourcing the finest tobacco leaves from around the world to create cigars that would epitomize sophistication and elegance. This philosophy laid the foundation for the creation of the Zino Short Torpedo and continues to shape the brand's identity today.

The crafting of the Zino Short Torpedo is a labor-intensive process that requires skilled artisans and meticulous attention to detail. The tobacco leaves used in these cigars are carefully selected from the most renowned tobacco regions in the Dominican Republic. These leaves are aged to perfection, resulting in a blend of flavors that is both complex and harmonious. One of the defining features of the Zino Short Torpedo is its unique shape. The torpedo shape tapers towards the head, allowing for a concentrated and controlled release of smoke. The wrapper, sourced from Ecuador, is flawless and smooth, adding to the cigar's visual appeal.
This impeccable construction ensures an even burn and a smooth draw, essential qualities for any premium cigar. Flavor Profile The Zino Short Torpedo is celebrated for its rich and nuanced flavor profile. It offers a symphony of flavors that dance across the palate when ignited.

At the initial draw, one may detect notes of earthy cedar and toasted nuts, providing a warm and inviting introduction to the smoking experience. As the cigar progresses, the flavors evolve, revealing hints of creamy cocoa, sweet spices, and a subtle leather undertone.

The complexity of the Zino Short Torpedo's flavor profile allows for a truly immersive experience. Each puff uncovers new layers of taste and aroma, making it an ideal choice for those who relish the exploration of flavor in their cigars. The balance between the different components of the cigar ensures that no single flavor overwhelms the palate, resulting in a harmonious and satisfying smoking experience.


Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua, Honduras, Dominican Republic
Ring 52 Length 4" approx 10.2cm
Strength: medium
Flavours: Cocoa beans, dark chocolate, cream, coffee

Zino Short Torpedo cigar.

Zino Short Torpedo cigar.


Developing a Palate for Tasting Cigars


Sunday morning coffee & cigar